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In the beginning...

It is always difficult to start up something that has very little conceptual beginnings.  It is almost always necessary to formulate your idea before putting pencil to paper.  It is best to completely world build and determine cultural significance of roads and how they flow with the natural setting they are supposed to traverse.  You should concept the types of vehicles or locomotion will be traversing the roadways.  You should know what kind of hats people wear and what color makes their eyes shine best... Yes, that would be the best, but when does one other than Tolkien have that kind of background world building built up.  Seriously, one never has that level of detail available to them at the beginning of the project.

This is similatr to launching a new website and trying to step into the world of designing for commission.  You hold off because you want this aspect of the site to be perfect, this widget needs to be perfect, that thingamagig needs to be crossed off, this piece needs to be finished.  The problem with this mindset is that there is always something that could be finished or that you can wait for.  This site is up and live, but I am sure there are aspects of it that can use some tuning up.  Please bear with us.

Welcome to the site, please leave comments and thanks you for stopping by.



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Reader Comments (2)


Love the idea - as someone who wanted to be a cartographer as a kid, your work is truly awesome. (Yeah, I'm that weird.) Any chance you could offer the Sklarbro Country map for sale on your website? I couldn't get a good look from the picture they had, but it looked so gorgeous, I might be willing to put that in my office!


June 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlbigensia


Thanks for the comment! In my examples section, you can get a bit better view of the maps. As far as selling prints... Well, I ceded my rights to sales on the maps when I sent them to Earwolf.

In my correspondence with the guys at Earwolf, they are planning on getting a setup for print on demand stuff for the maps. Contact the folks at www.Earwolf.com and ask for the map from them. Interest in sales might make them more motivated to make it available.


June 8, 2011 | Registered CommenterScott

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